1 min read

In the whirlwind of online impressions, that first website glance is like love at first sight. 

With tech leaps and ads bombarding us, attention spans are on a crash diet – just 8 seconds to impress. 

Enter the unsung hero: the web designer. Let's chat about the secret sauce for snagging the one who gets your company heartbeat.

The Web Whisperers

Obvious, right? 

But after chatting with hopefuls, you'll spot two species: print peeps and the web wizards. 

Sure, both dabble in pixels, but a true web maestro has tricks the print pals can't pull off. 

They can code a bit, juggle PHP or JAVA, and when the project dances into the complex, they're not fumbling in the dark like the rest.

How to confirm this magical prowess? Look into their background – any Hogwarts-level education? 

Throw them an online quest or a quick project. It's like a wizard duel; you get to see their spells up close.

Time Lords of Design

Now, here's the cosmic conundrum: time. 

Web designers, much like artists, wrestle with the clock. Creative chaos, right? Yet, the real champs know wrestling problems is their muse. 

The duds? 

Always MIA, running late, and slowly morphing into a company money drain. Tricky, right? You might only sniff out this time warp after hiring. Keep those cosmic shades on, Captain.

We've just skimmed the surface of the designer galaxy. There's more, like does their style sync with your company's rhythm? Are they what they say on their CVs, and do they even know how editing and design works?

A stellar designer not only sways to your feedback but can also dazzle you with designs that sing even better than your favorite tune.

Now, that's the cosmic dance partner you want on your team. 

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